Zimbra LDAP Debugging

Multi-node Zimbra installs sometimes fail in mysterious ways.. We recently resolved what turned out to be a network problem but it was causing our Zimbra install to fail with what I originally suspected was an LDAP problem. I think the troubleshooting process may prove useful. This is Zimbra 5.0.4:

If a store doesn’t appear to be communicating with its ldap master, here’s how a I debugged it

On the ldap master:

# vi /etc/syslog.conf
    local4.debug          -/var/log/zimbra.log
# /sbin/service syslog reload
Reloading syslogd...                                       [  OK  ]
Reloading klogd...                                         [  OK  ]
# su - zimbra
$ zmlocalconfig -e ldap_log_level=800
$ zmcontrol stop && zmcontrol start

Now tail -f /var/log/zimbra.log for slapd logging

Now from the store:

yum install openldap-clients (RHEL5) or
up2date openldap-clients (RHEL4) if ldapsearch isn’t installed

$ ldapsearch -h zldap.morganjones.internal -W -x -LL -D cn=config
-b cn=zimbra objectclass=*
Enter LDAP Password:
version: 1 

dn: cn=zimbra
objectClass: organizationalRole
description: Zimbra Systems Application Data
cn: zimbra 

dn: cn=admins,cn=zimbra
objectClass: organizationalRole
description: admin accounts
cn: admins 


dn: cn=com_zimbra_convertd,cn=zimlets,cn=zimbra
zimbraZimletDescription: Convertd Extension for Admin UI
zimbraZimletVersion: 1.0
objectClass: zimbraZimletEntry
zimbraZimletIndexingEnabled: TRUE
zimbraZimletKeyword: com_zimbra_convertd
cn: com_zimbra_convertd
zimbraZimletIsExtension: TRUE
zimbraZimletPriority: 12
zimbraZimletEnabled: TRUE

side note: Zimbra users TLS for connections before stores and ldap servers. ‘-LL’ forces ldapsearch to use TLS, -x turns off ldaps.

Here’s the background that started me down this path:

Install ldap master with at least zimbra-ldap

Install a store, answer ‘n’ to zimbra-ldap and ‘y’ to zimbra-store. At the Main menu choose ‘1’ for Common Configuration.

Set Ldap master host and Ldap Admin password and when I typed ‘r’ it hung just like this:

Common configuration

   1) Hostname:                                store01.morganjones.internal
   2) Ldap master host:                      zldap.morganjones.internal
   3) Ldap port:                                389
   4) Ldap Admin password:                 set
   5) LDAP Base DN:                           cn=zimbra
   6) Require secure interprocess communications: yes
   7) TimeZone:
             (GMT-05.00) Easten Time (US & Canada)

Select, or 'r' for previous menu [r] r

A quick look at /tmp/zmsetup* revealed:

Couldn't bind to zldap.morganjones.internal as uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra
Checking ldap on zldap.morganjones.internal:389
Unable to startTLS: Resource temporarily unavailable
Couldn't bind to zldap.morganjones.internal as uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra
checking isEnabled zimbra-store

Aha.. an LDAP connectivity problem.

This entry was posted in Directory/LDAP, linux, Messaging, Redhat/Fedora, Zimbra on by .

About morgan

Morgan is a freelance IT consultant living in Philadelphia. He lives with his girlfriend in an old house in Fishtown that they may never finish renovating. His focus is enterprise Messaging (think email) and Directory. Many of his customers are education, school districts and Universities. He also gets involved with most aspects of enterprise Linux and UNIX (mostly Solaris) administration, Perl, hopefully Ruby, PHP, some Java and C programming. He holds a romantic attachment to software development though he spends most of his time making software work rather than making software. He rides motorcycles both on and off the track, reads literature with vague thoughts of giving up IT to teach English literature.

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